CWR Commemorates the First Year of the Job Protection Helpline

The Center for Workers’ Rights celebrates the one year anniversary of our Coronavirus Job Protection Helpline. In the year the line has been open, we have been able to serve more than 24 thousand workers who have called in looking for help and resources. This astounding feat was made possible because of the funding and support we received from partnered organizations, governmental agencies, and individual donors, as well as our new staff, and volunteers who made themselves available for extended hours to accommodate the increased calls we received. 

The volume of calls we received is a clear indication of the need the helpline filled for our workers. A year into this pandemic, the conditions for low wage workers who are on the job remain challenging and unpredictable. Though often referred to as “essential workers”, many low wage workers face economic insecurity as workplaces shift operations with each wave of the virus. 

We also continue to aid workers in desperate need of unemployment benefits, who have not been able to go back to work and who continue to need a safety net to help weather the pandemic. We continue to push for the inclusion of undocumented workers in our safetynet system and provide them with the community resources that have come together to help support them during this time.   As we evolve and adapt to handle this crisis, it is now more important than ever that we provide as much support as possible to our most vulnerable workers; and the hotline is a central piece of that fabric. 

If you have questions in regards to your workplace rights, health and safety in the workplace, unemployment insurance etc. please call our job protection helpline at 916-905-1625. We want to thank everyone for their support in making this year a success!

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