Join us in celebrating the dedicated workers that serve Sacramento and support the efforts of the Center for Workers’ Rights in improving working conditions for the most vulnerable among them.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
5:30 pm – 7::30 pm
Insight Coffee Roasters
1014th 10th Street, Sacramento
Ticket Price: $20
Featuring labor law artwork, appetizers, and refreshments.
Kindly RSVP by December 5th.
Click here to learn more about our Labor Law Artwork.
The Center for Workers’ Rights celebrated its launch on August 20, 2014 and we have already assisted more than 50 workers! The workers we serve come from diverse backgrounds, but what is common among them is the barrier they faced in accessing legal service because of their inability to pay. The Center for Workers’ Rights breaks this barrier by providing free legal services to low-wage workers. The Center relies on community support to offer our free services and to ensure that all workers are able to seek equality in the workplace. By becoming a founding sponsor, you will support the success of our initial programs, but more importantly, you will help set us on the path to improving our community by increasing access to quality jobs.