Jun 12, 2023
On June 8th and 9th the Center for Workers’ Rights joined other community based organizations for the Coalition of Low-Wage Immigrant Workers Advocates (CLIWA) retreat at UCLA’s Law School campus. This year’s retreat centered around best practices for engaging with...
Jun 1, 2023
Organizations from Sacramento including, Lideres Campesinas, NorCal Resist, and Center for Workers’ Rights, hosted a picnic at the State Capitol in Sacramento on June 1st to show solidarity with the immigrant community throughout the country. There is no doubt that...
May 10, 2023
On May 10th, CWR’s Laura Leon-Navarro, and Kimberli Bautista were invited to speak on a panel for Nueva Epoca. Nueva Epoca is a program designed for members of the Latinx community in Sacramento as part of the Youth Development Program. The goal of the program is to...
Apr 14, 2023
On Thursday, April 13th, local organizations, workers, and a broad coalition of community members gathered at the State Capitol in Sacramento to urge state legislators and Governor Newsom to support the “Safety Net 4 All” (SN4A) initiative which extends unemployment...
Mar 29, 2023
The Center for Workers’ Rights partnered with Sacramento Central Labor Council for a presentation on labor rights for parents and guardians at Hiram Johnson High School. The presentation focused on hourly compensation, workers’ right to a safe and harassment-free...